Hack your mind, heal your life with music

Do you feel like you are here on purpose? I do! It's OK to not know what your "purpose" IS. As Melissa Gilbert says in her TED talk, a life lived being curious is a life well lived! And that's where this mantra can help! Deciding that we are here ON purpose, as if we CHOSE to be here, is very empowering! As with all mantras, it doesn't really matter if we believe them at first. They are mind hacks, and, when practiced regularly, can, and will move our lives in the direction of our thoughts. You don't have to be living IN a purpose, to live your life ON purpose!
If you find yourself adrift and wandering or lost, try this mantra. Telling ourselves we are living ON purpose is a powerful message that can return us to the present, and lead us to touch whatever is going on in our lives in a meaningful way. And from there, we have the ability to respond as if we are in charge of everything we encounter, especially in how respond to every situation. I do not believe any of us are here by accident! You got this and I believe in you!
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "Aquarium Vase with Sapphire" by Nina Irwin https://ninairwin.com/
I am fulfilled was composed specifically for someone facing the end of their life. It has the energy of completion, and so can be applied to any situation where one seeks closure and contentment at the completion of something. Being fulfilled is merely a thought away in any moment. It is a choice to be made any time. To decide I am fulfilled, makes it so.
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "Architecture of a single breath. " by Paul Rudy
For Sima
I've been nesting for the past decade plus since I moved onto my 70 acres in NE Kansas. I used to be an adventurer: climbing mountains, riding motorcycle, and world travel. And I'm ready to do more of that kind of adventuring out into the world again. This mantra is made to help step back out into the world after a period of a lot of solitude and going to old familiar places. It's time for some new places and adventure!
When your a little timid to move out of your comfort zone and into something knew, put this music on a loop and roll the thought in your mind "I am ready for adventure" or another variation that suits you better, and watch your life change in front of you! You can even mix and match the music here with mantras of your own making.
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "A Pangaea" by Paul Rudy
This musical meditation is about gaining individual sovereignty. I stand like mountain. My summit is not for everyone. All may enjoy the view and foothills surrounding me, but only those with courage and curiosity, authenticity, tenacity, and wisdom, will easily find the golden route on their journey to the unparalleled vistas from my summit! This mantra will help you find your mountaintop authenticity, and attract those who are ready to be in your full presence with ease and acceptance of all that you are.
When you need to summon the courage to stand firmly in who you truly are, put this music on a loop and roll the thought in your mind "I am the mountain in all its glory and variety" or another variation that suits you better, and watch your life change in front of you! Or make up your own mantra that matches the music for your intonation.
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "Hagerman's Peak" by Paul Rudy
I have been working on a lot of self-healing lately. In the past 6 months, i've been learning how to walk all over again after blowing a knee last fall. Part of that healing journey which has involved really listening to the ergonomics of my movement through this life, has involved give constant gratitude for all the amazing things my body does! Whenever I do physically hard labor (like cutting fire wood), I think my body for all the amazing hard work it just did. This internal body talk has really turned my relationship with my body around, for one of fear of my body, to one of support and mutual admiration: my body for me, and me for my body!
When you are feeling down or overwhelmed, put this music on a loop and roll the thought in your mind "I am grateful for (fill in the blank)" or another variation that suits you better, and watch your life change in front of you! You can even mix and match the music here with mantras of your own making.
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Video: "Buckyball" (Sculpture by Leo Villareal at Crystal Bridges) by Paul Rudy
I've been needing a lot of patience lately, so I made a mantra to help bring that down into my life. When I know things are changing, and newness is coming, but I don't know how, or exactly when, I need to call in patience to help me just be present and sit with what is. It's hard to live without expectation sometimes. I hope this mantra helps you find that internal calm and presence needed for the in-between times.
When you need patience, put this music on a loop and roll the thought in your mind "I reach deep inside and find patience," or another variation that suits you better, and watch your life change in front of you! You can even mix and match the music here with mantras of your own making.
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "Spring Promise" by Paul Rudy
For much of my life I have suffered from imposter's syndrome. It's a real thing, and often perpetuated by a focus on what I "can't do" that I think I should be able to do. Silly right? Lately, it's getting easier to let that shit go, and just do more of what I enjoy doing, like writing these musical mantras! So, this one is for me and I hope it helps you too! Mantras are powerful because where we put our thoughts, our reality is more likely to follow!
When you need to summon confidence, put this music on a loop (control, click on the video to loop in YouTube), and roll the thought in your mind "I am confident" or another variation that suits you better, and watch your life change in front of you! You can even mix and match the music here with mantras of your own making.
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Images: March 4, 2023 Prarie burn by Wendee Suitt, Instagram/ @sewfulliving
I was asked to write a statement on the future of my research endeavors. Since I don't like to try to predict the future for anything or anyone, let alone my own, I decided to make a "proof of concept" for those reading. This mantra is the result. While I've made plenty of musical mantras before, this one is special! I plants a seed for all my work in the future to be, at some level, aimed at the benefit of all! What does that mean? I have no idea, but I love the energy and intention of it! The fun part of it will be watching and playing in its unfolding!
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "Moon Cycle" a painting by Angela Lexow (used by permission) https://www.lexowstudios.com/ FB and Insta/@anglexow
Growing up I loved Willy Coyote. He was resourceful, resilient, intelligent, inventive, tenacious, and never gave up. The thing I remember about Bugs Bunny was that he didn't take guff from anyone. He knew when to poke his head out, to outsmart Porky Pig every time. These are two iconic totems that I grew up with and remembered when I saw Susan Bartel's painting Wascally Wabbit. It takes courage every time rabbit leaves her den to find food. And she is smart about it. She can out-run and out-dart many things, but her real super-power is courage. After all, there is no courage without fear.
When you need to summon the courage that is within you, put this music on a loop and roll the thought in your mind "I have all the courage I need for (fill in the blank)" or another variation that suits you better, and watch your life change in front of you! You can even mix and match the music here with mantras of your own making.
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "Wascally Wabbit" Watercolor by Susan Bartel https://www.susanbartelart.com/
"I am lovable" came about because of a personal discovery I made about myself. In the mid-2000's I was angry and hated myself. But I had discovered mantras-simple phrases that could hack my brain into creating a different reality. So, I wrote "I love you" on my bathroom mirror. It wasn't true when I wrote it, but two years later, I could honestly look myself in that mirror and say I love you, and mean it. That's when i discovered the power of mantras. They are little programs that help me move towards what I want in life, both internally and externally.
So, it was a bit of a surprise when I discovered recently that, while I do love myself, I still at some level feel unloveable by others. Shame, guilt, being hard on myself, being imperfect... 😇 may be behind that. And so, I launched a new virus into my brain called "I am lovable." And it's working. Bit by bit, I'm finding those hidden things I still don't like about myself, that keep me from loving more deeply, and I'm welcoming them home as parts of me. Put this on a loop when you go to bed and fall asleep rolling the thought in your mind "I am lovable" or another variation that suits you better, and watch your life change in front of you! Try that with any of these mantras, or better yet, make up your own!
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "Winter Light" by Paul Rudy
"I am calm and connected to my body" was made to help with OCD/ADHD/PANS and PANDAS. Put this mantra on loop (both musically and mentally) and concentrate on your breathing!
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "untitled" by Kim Erndt-Pitcher (used by permission)
You matter! It is important that you are here right now! Only you can be you in this time and place. If you are wondering what it is all about or struggling to find relevancy for your life, just put this on loop, and repeat after me: "I matter and make a difference in the world." Your experience and life are unique, and your gifts felt by those around you. Reach out with your heart and feel the abundance around you and how you fit into all that is as a natural part of life on earth. You are loved. You are valuable. You matter! This mantra will help you OWN that!
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "Green Leaf" by Paul Rudy
The mantra "I love hearing my voice in all its healing power" was inspired by Lana Maree whose voice is from the stars! This mantra will help you express yourself more clearly and authentically! Put it on loop and let it soak in. And by all means, sing along!
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "Architecture of a single breath" photograph taken on Halloween night of 2014 of the composers breath!
This mantra will help remind you all all the resiliance and resources you have within yourself! And once you find those resources, it will be easier to see all the resources that are surrounding you to help you keep going too! Put it on a loop and roll these words in your mind. It doesn't matter if you believe them or not. The power of a mantra is that it starts orienting your body chemistry what it is you actually want, and poof...after a while, it will become true!
Music by Paul Rudy http://paulrudy.net
Image: "Concentric Circles" a photography by Paul Rudy
"I dance in life's joy" is a musical mantra inspired by Nate Budoff's painting "Invitation to Love" combining the creative imagination of his artistic work and sound into a message that supports your well-being. Repeat this mantra while listening and watch your life move in that direction! It will help you see more of the things around you that give you joy, which attracts and creates more love and compassion moving forward.
Music by Paul Rudy http://paulrudy.net
Image: "Invitation to Love" a painting by Nate Budoff (used by permission) https://www.natebudoff.com/
A musical mantra to help you see clearly into every situation. Every situation has a potential opportunity if we can just glimpse it. Seeing the opportunity clearly allows us to choose intentionally how to move forward. Loop this musical mantra and ask your wiser self to see the opportunity in whatever situation you are facing.
Music by Paul Rudy http://paulrudy.net
Image: "Looking up" painting by Charles Baughman (used by permission) https://www.charlesbaughman.com/
Dawn of a new beginning tells a story of acting on what was only potential before. Imagine taking that first step into something you have felt the urge to pursue for a long time. One little step is all it takes to create momentum that leads to that new beginning you have been dreaming of!
Music by Paul Rudy http://paulrudy.net
Image: "Dawn of a new beginning" a quilt by Erin Schmidt (used by permission)
Quilted into this beautiful sunrise are the words: Family, Friends, Gratitude, Peace, Love, Hope and Joy.
A musical mantra to help you stay firmly grounded and rooted in your mission! Put it on a loop and imagine you are standing knee deep in your purpose here in this body and on this planet at this time! You are home in your mission!
Music by Paul Rudy http://paulrudy.net
Image: "Nested" a quilt by Gina Kellogg (used by permission) http://www.kelloggsisters.com
Wind, fire, water, earth and aether bathe you in sublime sound. This is music to balance your inner world to harmonize your outer life. The sounds of the elements will bring you calm, better sleep, and more harmony with all aspects of life.
Play this musical meditation in the heat of the summer! Chill to the surf and the beat during this hot time of year! Embrace the heat of your summer solstice!
The energy of the July moon is playful. In the heat, the plants slow down a bit and the energy is more introspective than in the frantic June moon cycle! It's a good time to go inward before the push towards harvest in the Fall. Dance with your own inner child in this meditation. Remember who you were when you were six months old, full of wonder and possibility and embrace that part of yourself for the gift that it is!
In July of 2022 Jaguar medicine sauntered into my life, and changed everything for me. She challenged me to integrity and impeccability, and reminded me to wait patiently for all that will come. There is no need to chase after things. When the time is right, the right things will approach as if in invitation. There is an energy about this music that, on the surface seems to go against that laid back chill of the waiting Jaguar. Perhaps it speaks of the potential of this magnificent beast to pounce efficiently at any moment!
I composed this sound meditation for a client with their Intention: "To find a place where I can focus on all the positive in my life. To feel a sense of lightness and joy. To look to what is right in my world and envision where I want my life path to continue to develop."
Commission a personalized sound meditation composition that is designed to help clients move towards what they want in life. They can address existential challenges like major life’s changes or challenges in one’s path, or they can be affirmations of work already in process. These custom compositions will help you balance, center and become more authentic in your truth.
Personalized sound meditation compositions are designed to help clients move towards what they want in life. They can address existential challenges like major life’s changes or challenges in one’s path, or they can be affirmations of work already done. They could be custom compositions to accompany a work of art, or just to edify you as a commissioner and listener. Personalized sound meditation compositions are exclusively yours for one year after the completion date, and will not be shared by the composer on any public or private platform until after that one year period.