Hack your mind, heal your life with music

A musical mantra to help you stay firmly grounded and rooted in your mission! Put it on a loop and imagine you are standing knee deep in your purpose here in this body and on this planet at this time! You are home in your mission!
Music by Paul Rudy http://paulrudy.net
Image: "Nested" a quilt by Gina Kellogg (used by permission) http://www.kelloggsisters.com
"I dance in life's joy" is a musical mantra inspired by Nate Budoff's painting "Invitation to Love" combining the creative imagination of his artistic work and sound into a message that supports your well-being. Repeat this mantra while listening and watch your life move in that direction! It will help you see more of the things around you that give you joy, which attracts and creates more love and compassion moving forward.
Music by Paul Rudy http://paulrudy.net
Image: "Invitation to Love" a painting by Nate Budoff (used by permission) https://www.natebudoff.com/
The mantra "I love hearing my voice in all its healing power" was inspired by Lana Maree whose voice is from the stars! This mantra will help you express yourself more clearly and authentically! Put it on loop and let it soak in. And by all means, sing along!
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "Architecture of a single breath" photograph taken on Halloween night of 2014 of the composers breath!
"I am calm and connected to my body" was made to help with OCD/ADHD/PANS and PANDAS. Put this mantra on loop (both musically and mentally) and concentrate on your breathing!
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "untitled" by Kim Erndt-Pitcher (used by permission)