Hack your mind, heal your life with music

  • I am rooted in my mission
    – 12/20/22

    I am rooted in my mission

    A musical mantra to help you stay firmly grounded and rooted in your mission! Put it on a loop and imagine you are standing knee deep in your purpose here in this body and on this planet at this time! You are home in your mission!
    Music by Paul Rudy http://paulrudy.net
    Image: "Nested" a quilt by Gina Kellogg (used by permission) http://www.kelloggsisters.com

  • I see the opportunity in every situation
    – 12/29/22

    I see the opportunity in every situation

    A musical mantra to help you see clearly into every situation. Every situation has a potential opportunity if we can just glimpse it. Seeing the opportunity clearly allows us to choose intentionally how to move forward. Loop this musical mantra and ask your wiser self to see the opportunity in whatever situation you are facing.
    Music by Paul Rudy http://paulrudy.net
    Image: "Looking up" painting by Charles Baughman (used by permission) https://www.charlesbaughman.com/

  • I act on new potential
    – 12/28/22

    I act on new potential

    Dawn of a new beginning tells a story of acting on what was only potential before. Imagine taking that first step into something you have felt the urge to pursue for a long time. One little step is all it takes to create momentum that leads to that new beginning you have been dreaming of!
    Music by Paul Rudy http://paulrudy.net
    Image: "Dawn of a new beginning" a quilt by Erin Schmidt (used by permission)
    Quilted into this beautiful sunrise are the words: Family, Friends, Gratitude, Peace, Love, Hope and Joy.

  • I love hearing my voice in all its healing power

    I love hearing my voice in all its healing power

    The mantra "I love hearing my voice in all its healing power" was inspired by Lana Maree whose voice is from the stars! This mantra will help you express yourself more clearly and authentically! Put it on loop and let it soak in. And by all means, sing along!
    Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
    Image: "Architecture of a single breath" photograph taken on Halloween night of 2014 of the composers breath!

  • I matter and make a difference in the world
    – 2/19/23

    I matter and make a difference in the world

    You matter! It is important that you are here right now! Only you can be you in this time and place. If you are wondering what it is all about or struggling to find relevancy for your life, just put this on loop, and repeat after me: "I matter and make a difference in the world." Your experience and life are unique, and your gifts felt by those around you. Reach out with your heart and feel the abundance around you and how you fit into all that is as a natural part of life on earth. You are loved. You are valuable. You matter! This mantra will help you OWN that!
    Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
    Image: "Green Leaf" by Paul Rudy

  • My future endeavors help humanity move towards our greatest common benefit
    – 2/22/23

    My future endeavors help humanity move towards our greatest common benefit

    I was asked to write a statement on the future of my research endeavors. Since I don't like to try to predict the future for anything or anyone, let alone my own, I decided to make a "proof of concept" for those reading. This mantra is the result. While I've made plenty of musical mantras before, this one is special! I plants a seed for all my work in the future to be, at some level, aimed at the benefit of all! What does that mean? I have no idea, but I love the energy and intention of it! The fun part of it will be watching and playing in its unfolding!
    Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
    Image: "Moon Cycle" a painting by Angela Lexow (used by permission) https://www.lexowstudios.com/ FB and Insta/@anglexow

  • I stand like mountain
    – 5/20/23

    I stand like mountain

    This musical meditation is about gaining individual sovereignty. I stand like mountain. My summit is not for everyone. All may enjoy the view and foothills surrounding me, but only those with courage and curiosity, authenticity, tenacity, and wisdom, will easily find the golden route on their journey to the unparalleled vistas from my summit! This mantra will help you find your mountaintop authenticity, and attract those who are ready to be in your full presence with ease and acceptance of all that you are.
    When you need to summon the courage to stand firmly in who you truly are, put this music on a loop and roll the thought in your mind "I am the mountain in all its glory and variety" or another variation that suits you better, and watch your life change in front of you! Or make up your own mantra that matches the music for your intonation.
    Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
    Image: "Hagerman's Peak" by Paul Rudy

  • I am here on purpose
    – 3/20/24

    I am here on purpose

    Do you feel like you are here on purpose? I do! It's OK to not know what your "purpose" IS. As Melissa Gilbert says in her TED talk, a life lived being curious is a life well lived! And that's where this mantra can help! Deciding that we are here ON purpose, as if we CHOSE to be here, is very empowering! As with all mantras, it doesn't really matter if we believe them at first. They are mind hacks, and, when practiced regularly, can, and will move our lives in the direction of our thoughts. You don't have to be living IN a purpose, to live your life ON purpose!
    If you find yourself adrift and wandering or lost, try this mantra. Telling ourselves we are living ON purpose is a powerful message that can return us to the present, and lead us to touch whatever is going on in our lives in a meaningful way. And from there, we have the ability to respond as if we are in charge of everything we encounter, especially in how respond to every situation. I do not believe any of us are here by accident! You got this and I believe in you!
    Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
    Image: "Aquarium Vase with Sapphire" by Nina Irwin https://ninairwin.com/

  • I am fulfilled
    – 12/19/23

    I am fulfilled

    I am fulfilled was composed specifically for someone facing the end of their life. It has the energy of completion, and so can be applied to any situation where one seeks closure and contentment at the completion of something. Being fulfilled is merely a thought away in any moment. It is a choice to be made any time. To decide I am fulfilled, makes it so.
    Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
    Image: "Architecture of a single breath. " by Paul Rudy
    For Sima