Hack your mind, heal your life with music

A musical mantra to help you see clearly into every situation. Every situation has a potential opportunity if we can just glimpse it. Seeing the opportunity clearly allows us to choose intentionally how to move forward. Loop this musical mantra and ask your wiser self to see the opportunity in whatever situation you are facing.
Music by Paul Rudy http://paulrudy.net
Image: "Looking up" painting by Charles Baughman (used by permission) https://www.charlesbaughman.com/
"I dance in life's joy" is a musical mantra inspired by Nate Budoff's painting "Invitation to Love" combining the creative imagination of his artistic work and sound into a message that supports your well-being. Repeat this mantra while listening and watch your life move in that direction! It will help you see more of the things around you that give you joy, which attracts and creates more love and compassion moving forward.
Music by Paul Rudy http://paulrudy.net
Image: "Invitation to Love" a painting by Nate Budoff (used by permission) https://www.natebudoff.com/
"I am calm and connected to my body" was made to help with OCD/ADHD/PANS and PANDAS. Put this mantra on loop (both musically and mentally) and concentrate on your breathing!
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "untitled" by Kim Erndt-Pitcher (used by permission)
I've been needing a lot of patience lately, so I made a mantra to help bring that down into my life. When I know things are changing, and newness is coming, but I don't know how, or exactly when, I need to call in patience to help me just be present and sit with what is. It's hard to live without expectation sometimes. I hope this mantra helps you find that internal calm and presence needed for the in-between times.
When you need patience, put this music on a loop and roll the thought in your mind "I reach deep inside and find patience," or another variation that suits you better, and watch your life change in front of you! You can even mix and match the music here with mantras of your own making.
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Image: "Spring Promise" by Paul Rudy
For much of my life I have suffered from imposter's syndrome. It's a real thing, and often perpetuated by a focus on what I "can't do" that I think I should be able to do. Silly right? Lately, it's getting easier to let that shit go, and just do more of what I enjoy doing, like writing these musical mantras! So, this one is for me and I hope it helps you too! Mantras are powerful because where we put our thoughts, our reality is more likely to follow!
When you need to summon confidence, put this music on a loop (control, click on the video to loop in YouTube), and roll the thought in your mind "I am confident" or another variation that suits you better, and watch your life change in front of you! You can even mix and match the music here with mantras of your own making.
Music by Paul Rudy http://www.paulrudy.net/personalsound
Images: March 4, 2023 Prarie burn by Wendee Suitt, Instagram/ @sewfulliving