Personal Sound Meditation Compositions
I bring 50 years of musical training and experience to these creations.
Composing to meet your needs!
"Paul has created custom sound meditations to support me through a wide range of challenges and celebrations over the past year. Whether preparing for major surgery, tackling a new challenge in my business, or celebrating life transitions with loved ones...I have found Paul's custom compositions to be an incredibly powerful way to nourish my highest potential, strengthen my relationships, and support my healing."
Melissa Arthur, Leadership & Wellness Coach, Illuminate Guidance, LLC
Unique compositions made in collaboration with you!
Contact me to commission ($99 per minute). You choose the length.
What are the benefits of a personalized musical meditation?
it is composed just for you based on your needs
bolster self-confidence and self-worth
focus your meditation time and practice on moving forward
move stuck energy and promote self-healing
create synergy for a new direction or intention in your life
celebrate or commemorate an occasion or life transition
generate a convergence for an event (workshop, conference, festival…)
accompany a visual work of art to further activate the art’s potential
activate a space or location
My practice is grounded in my sanctuary at Harmony Farm in NE Kansas.
Intonation with the land has given me listening skills to compose music for others uniquely created through collaboration with you, the reciever!
"What a sound healing from Paul Rudy feels like. Wings flying, water flowing, gongs gonging, major visuals, throat chanting. I got up and felt like I just received a massage or Reiki. I highly suggest this to everyone." Jessica Crockett, Energy and Massage Practitioner
My practice includes sound healing sessions, sessions combining real-time sound creation with craniosacral, osteopath practices, breathwork, and more recently, into creating sound mantras, mandalas, medicine cards and meditations. All of these offerings are personalized for clients. Personalized compositions begin with a questionnaire followed by a phone conversation to talk more specifically about what you want. From there I compose music just for you! They come in whatever length you want. This collaboration will result in an original piece of music written just for you, and for longer works, you get exclusive use of it for a year.
deliver a short, focused boost to your life
I compose a short loop (1-3’) that delivers a message to you focused on where you want to go moving forward. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to hear some of these Musical Mantras which are often inspired by a work of art. A work of art of yours could also be used as inspiration for a musical mantra or to expand your work with sonic vibes.
Musical Mantras
“Dear Paul: Thank you for your beautiful piece i am another yourself. We have felt your heart, your sense, your thought, and your qi when the music unfolds. The landscape is so natural, the atmosphere is so serene and the environment is so peaceful that we are led to the musical realm that you created for us. The overall structure is well planned and the sound material is well developed. Congratulations for completing such a substantial work. Thank you for this sincere gift, we are deeply touched.” ~Composers Chen Yi and Zhou Long
Longer options
Longer options include Musical Medicine Cards, Meditations and Full-blown Massages that are available up to 60 minutes in length. Prices depend on length and scope of the desired personalized music.
Listen to Medicine Cards
Image: Woman under the roots, quilt by Gina Kellogg
5-12’ in length
Musical medicine cards combine artistic creations of images and shamanic sound into a message that supports you on your journey. A musical medicine card will help you draw from your inner wisdom during times of healing to nurture your authentic self into a new manifestation. Put it on a loop and imagine you are fully immersed in the healing medicine of the sound and image. In that space, all the resources you need to heal and move forward are available to you. All you need do is open to them. And as you do, you will feel yourself strengthen and move forward with resolve.
Listen to Meditations
10-30’ in length
Image: Balanced Rock, Pikes Peak, Colorado
Personalized sound meditation compositions are designed to help clients move towards what they want in life. They can address existential challenges in your life, or they can be affirmations of work already done. They are custom compositions for your edification as a co-creator and listener. Personalized sound meditation compositions are exclusively yours for one year after the completion date, and will not be shared by the composer on any public or private platform until after that one-year period.
Listen to Massages
Image: Ek Balem Pyramid, Yucutan Peninsula, Mexico
30-60’ in length
Musical Massages are full blown sound journey compositions that take you deep into your own healing energies. They are designed to lead you through a story of your own making through recognizable sounds. A whole world of sound behaviors and types will lead you down a rabbit hole of your own making to serve your well-being and evolution towards your purpose as a human. They are transforming, and can be listened to as often as you like, becoming a part of your practice. These highly tuned compositions are created in close consultation between me and you, to ensure they are fine-tuned directly to your needs. You will be consulted along the way, giving feedback on drafts in the compositional process, resulting in the incorporation of your direct signature and feedback in the final work.
In lake'ch by Paul Rudy
“This is a thirteen-track, hour long electroacoustic piece which is simply brain-alteringly awesome. The sounds are stunning and the organic growth is crazy-awesome. Some of you might shudder at the thought of an "hour long electroacoustic piece" but you gotta trust me on this. This piece needs to be as long as it is. Excerpts and individual tracks just don't do the piece justice. Put it on and soak in it for a while. You'll be glad you did.”
Jay Batzner
Gretchen Krivoshia
“I love your CD - very powerful - close your eyes and it is as if the universe is being created one sound at a time.”
Cody Ostrander aka Gotama
"...a Jedi Master of Music"
“Every cell in my body gently unruffled and unfurled to harmonize with a galaxy of sound vibrations and tones that took me on a journey out of what now seemed like a 2 dimensional human experience and into a multi-sensory symphony of my awakened being. And that's an understatement. Deeply harmonizing and gently expansive and big. I felt safe. I felt alive. I felt turned on and tuned into my capacity to exist in a world of ME. “
Andy Claypool, Massage therapist and energy practitioner.
I am loving your cd's so much! I hear different things in them each time I listen. They activate my creativity and change my consciousness in such unique ways. The sound is full of light but with an edge of mystery and darkness. ~Sarah Bethany, Singer, Songwriter, Producer.