With the Society of Sacred Listening
Join us for an Equinox gathering at the amazing Greenwood Social Hall in Kansas City! We will be riding the waves of this powerful spring Equinox and amplifying our frequencies of harmony, peace and the vision of the world we are creating with sound!
Featuring The Society for Sacred Listening- 8+ Sound Healing Practitioners practicing and playing in the infinite field of possibilities through collaborative and channeled sounds and deliberate intentions of the highest order, with the result of shifting time and space into a more loving and coherent state!
Members include: Holly Taylor, Gwyn Marie, Danielle Morningstar, Elizabeth Kipp, Angelique Staggs, Paul Rudy, Lana Maree Haas, Tracy Rasmussen and our special guest Kristen Rogers (Kristi Taylor)! You are invited to be a part of a frequency shift in the space we occupy, that reverberates through you and out into the world and the cosmos!
Be transported, deeply relaxed and uplifted with the sounds of crystal bowls, gongs, bells, chimes and vocal channeling!
Please bring a yoga mat, blanket and water if you plan to lay on the ground. Chairs are provided.