Circles and Spirals
Earth Collaborations
Life is motion manifest in cycles, ebbs, and flows. It is articulated in both subtle and obvious ways, and listening deeply through the seasons in a single place begins to highlight visible and audible forms that are not easily apparent in a shorter-term experience. The sun and moon cycles are obvious, but their imprint on both the landscape and the subtle energies of a place require a closer look. The seasons leave behind materials with which the Earth, with wind, fire, water and energy, creates art of its own. Collaboration between the original scientific materials dance in an alchemy of play demonstrating how natures wisdom follows the path of least resistance, shaping this physical plane. Wind brushes a leaf to paint in snow. Moisture and dust, (and maybe even other non-visible beings?) spray the air with color and light revealing a universe in every moment and every breath. Portals become visible when time is stopped at just the right moment. Constructed forms begin to unconsciously mimic natural flows as outer states mirror inner. Myth becomes visible and tangible, and reality expands. And then it contracts again, as life itself, and everything in it breaths.

Portal gate

Wind, snow and leaf collaboration

Harmony Medicine Wheel beginnings

Spiral portal

Spiral Portal in Summer

Wood spiral in spring (2021)

Wood spiral in winter

Wood spiral in context

Life imitates nature

Moon meditation stone (2017)

Moon temple (2019)

Moon temple (2019)

Long-shadowed Moon Temple

8 circuit counterclockwise
The "I" of Ra

Falling Leaf: feminine warrior stone (south)

Wood spiral with sunset

Sun temple stones in place
Long-shadow sun

42 standing stones

Morning Star

Fairie spiral (2018-counterclockwise-8 rings)

6 circuit clockwise

Memory painted in grass

Morning Star