Honoring Ancestors
Touching mystery
There are mysteries in life that often go unexplored. Our eyes tell us what we want to see, but our feelings, emotions and body miss nothing. And occasionally we are blessed with a small window into those other layers that are more subtle than our mind can comprehend. Time, with non-judgment, letting go of expectations, and opening our hearts and spirits, we begin to see things that reveal themselves only in stillness. We begin feel, and even see them all around in nature’s expression. God, The Great Mystery, creativity, imagination, life, intuition, instinct, insight, science, nature, originality, neural networks, synchronicity, and Inspiration are all different names for the same expression of motion and creation.

Lodge Guardian

Osage Star Man

Osage Star being

Osage Star Being

Osage Star Being

Osage Star Being

Osage floating down

Star allie and advocate

A universe in a single breath

Ancestral Feather Cloud

Owl medicine

Oak being 1

Oak being 2

Dragonfly spirit

Inuksuk Guardian



Once a boulder

Ancient memory

Sleeping giant